Toilet training can be frustrating for parents and children, but it doesn’t have to be! Below are some common issues to which I think many caregivers can relate, and some helpful tips and strategies for dealing with these issues:
She says “I don’t wanna!”
Don’t worry if she doesn’t want to yet, and don’t force it. There is no hurry for kids to be trained before pre-school; in fact, many pre-schools accept children who are not yet toilet trained. In the U.S., most children gain complete daytime bladder control by age 3. Although most will be fully toilet trained by 4 years, there are a small percentage of typically-developing children who won’t complete their toilet training until age 5.
A child’s readiness to begin the process is more important than their age. Here are some signs your little one is ready to start:
He pees in the potty but poops in the diaper
That’s ok. Children will usually toilet train for urine, then within 6 months or so, will toilet train for stool.
She hides under the dining table to go poop
That is fairly common. It is the emerging quest for privacy.
“I’m holding it!”
Constipated children will resist toilet training because it hurts to go. In turn, the child who resists toilet training may become more constipated because they deliberately hold it in. It can be a cycle that is hard to break. When the stools are soft and they have no pain, kids are much more likely to stop holding it and proceed with toilet training for stool.
She’s dry during the day but still wets the bed at night
Once children become dry during the day, some will be dry at night all at once. For many children, however, being dry at night may take several months to several years. About 20% of children will still wet the bed at 5 years, 10% at 7 years, and 5% by 9-10 years.
Make sure the last drink is at dinner, or about 2 hours before bedtime.
Use the bathroom just before going to bed.
Get her up to use the bathroom again when you are going to bed, or about 2 hours after she falls asleep. Bed-wetting alarms may or may not be helpful.
The medication DDaVP (Desmopressin acetate) can be safely used as needed so that your child can enjoy sleepovers.
If your child is getting older and still wetting the bed, we may want to check for infection or other underlying problems.
Just as falls are common when a child has just learned to walk, accidents are common when a child has recently toilet trained.
Call us if:
Many of these tips can be applied to, or modified for, children with developmental delays, including those who are non-verbal. Please feel free to talk with us about how you can get help for your child with special needs in developing toilet training skills.
Please feel free to use the comment section below – any and all comments, additional tips, or questions are welcome! Happy toileting!